Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wise Words " Healing "

Wise Words " Healing " - Sight into the affairs akhiratmu and sight down to the affairs of your world then life will be peaceful.

Oprimis someone who will see the opportunity in every calamity, while the pessimist sees calamity in every opportunity.

Remember, it may be a human being to love anything that might harm him or hate him something useful. Ask His guidance. Wise Words (Master Shih Cheng Yen)

"Seek healing, a refilling of energy and spirit, as soon as you see that you need it. You don't have to push yourself to give, do, or perform when what your body, mind, soul and emotions need is to heal. ~ Melody Beattie

“To embrace one's brokenness, whatever it looks like, whatever has caused it, carries within it the possibility that one might come to embrace one's healing."
~ Robert Benson

"When an emotional injury takes place, the body begins a process as natural as the healing of a physical wound. Let the process happen. Trust that nature will do the healing. Know that the pain will pass, and, when it passes, you will be stronger, happier, more sensitive and aware. ~ Mel Colgrove Words of love

"The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love." ~ Hubert Humphrey

"Eventually in the process of your self-healing, you will find your own strength. Through the careful hand-holding of your own spirit, through recognizing, honoring, and expressing your feelings, by nurturing your body as the vessel that holds your spirit in the web of life, you will discover that you have, without your consciously knowing it, developed the inner sturdiness from which you can function on your own behalf. This interior growth is a miracle of intimate compassion, a seedling of loving yourself that will bloom, in time, into the capacity for truly loving others." ~ Daphne Rose Kingma Today's Wise Words

“Healing… is an active and internal process that includes investigating one’s attitudes, memories and beliefs with the desire to release all negative patterns that prevent one’s full emotional and spiritual recovery. This internal review inevitably leads one to review one’s external circumstances in an effort to recreate one’s life in a way that serves activation of will – the will to see and accept truths about one’s life and how one has used one’s energies; and the will to begin to use energy for the creation of love, self-esteem, and health. ~ Caroline Myss

"The human being is a surprisingly resilient organism. We impel toward health,
not sickness. Your spirit, as surely as your body, will try to heal. The question you must ask yourself is not if you will heal, but how. Grief and pain have their own duration, and when they begin to pass, you must take care to guide the shape of the new being you are to become. So you should not fear tragedy and suffering. Like love, they make you more a part of the human family. From them can come your greatest creativity. They are the fire that burns you pure."
~ Kent Nerburn

“When you move toward that which is most fulfilling and life-enhancing, healing follows regardless of what your health is like in that moment.” ~ Christiane Northrup

"When we honestly ask ourselves which persons in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares." ~ Henri Nouwen Marriage Quotes

"Healing may not be so much about getting better as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are." ~ Rachel Naomi Remen

"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." ~ Ruth E. Renkel

"We do not think ourselves into new ways of living; we live ourselves into new ways of thinking." ~ Richard Rohr

"The question you need to ask yourself is not if you will heal, but how you will heal." ~ O. Carl Simonton

"After a stormy period of mixed feelings of prolonged sadness there comes a calm. After we become convinced that we are at the very brink of eternal despair, or fear, or guilt, or sadness, we are given a reprieve. We have a breathing space that eventually leads to whole days that have personal value and offer us the opportunity for affection. Then we recognize that no period of misery is endless and unrelenting; it is instead, changeable. ~ Carol Staudacher

“If we face our unpleasant feelings with care, affection, and nonviolence,
we can transform them into a kind of energy that is healthy and has
the capacity to nourish us. By the work of mindful observation,
our unpleasant feelings can illuminate so much for us, offering us
insight and understanding into ourselves and society.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Myspace Love Quotes

“Recognizing and honouring our feelings is the way we recognize and honour ourselves and the spirit of life within us. But what does it mean to honour our feelings? To honour our feelings is to give such regard to them that we are able to act consciously and creatively in accordance with them to care for and protect ourselves and the spirit of life at our centre.” ~ Unknown

"Mountains cannot be surmounted except by winding paths." ~ Von Goethe


Ditulis Oleh : adam anugerah Hari: 5:13 PM Kategori:


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